One of the things about small town living is you get pretty accustomed having to go "to the next big town" to get what you want.
Shopping? Next big town.
Health care? Next big town.
Emergency Vet? Next big town.
So much so, that the next big town is often where my search for something starts. So imagine my surprise when I was looking at upcoming author events and saw one happening right at my local bookstore. Needless to say I was ecstatic! I reserved my spot and preordered the book right there and then.
Until that moment I hadn't heard of Holly James so I picked up her first two books and dove in. Holly is a Romance/Fiction writer that lives in LA but guess what? She grew up in my small town. My local bookstore was her bookstore growing up! How cool is that?
I devoured her first two books while waiting for the third to release. Nothing But the Truth and The Déjà Glitch are both light-hearted fun reads. Both of these had a little magical aspect to them that I really enjoyed.
I picked up Name Your Price right on release day (thank you local bookstore!) and jumped right in. It was different from her first two books as there was no magical aspect to it at all but it was a little on the spicier side. 🌶️ This book also had a lot of heart to it and I loved the daughter/granddaughter relationship we got to see.
The book signing turned out to be so fun. First, when I walked into the bookshop I felt like I had just crashed a family reunion. A lot of Holly's family and friends are still in the area and they turned out to support her. It was so cute and sweet! I really enjoyed getting to hear about what the writing and publication process is like for her. Kudos to any authors out there- it does not sound like it's for the faint of heart! Holly was nice and generously signed all three of my books. And she's a Swifite! 🫶It was so funny to ask her about this book being spicier and what it's like to have your family reading it..... awkwaaaard. Just skip that chapter grandma!
It was such a fun little event and I was excited to hear details for her next book coming out in 2025. Can't wait!

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